Friday, December 11, 2009

Picture Of Lip Wart Lip Questions, Not Affecting My Life, But Curious?

Lip questions, not affecting my life, but curious? - picture of lip wart

Ok odd question, I had no problems, but it has to do with my lip?
[I saw all the corners and edges, but all they have are pictures of warts nasty mouth and genitalia]
///.... ewww

However, around 2006, at a time have I had a small white lump on the lip at the top center.
Then I remember in 2008, he developed a sudden two more bumps, but at different times on my lips, a lower left and upper right on the corner.
are small, white, and not hurt. They are soft and not really noticeable, but I notice it, and when other opinions, just ignore it, as if nothing ...
Now I want serious answers, so you can have the same or a different problem, but please do not hesitate ... There are good answers
And another thing, I have many sex partners or something like that ...
thank you ... :]

More details
Well, three strikes are still on my lips, I would post a photo here, but since 2006 and have in recent months, have remained there, with nOT changed in size or color or something. but they are still there ...


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