Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Do A Laying Jump To Standing How Do You Train A Puppy Not To Jump Up On People? And Not To Pull?

How do you train a puppy not to jump up on people? And not to pull? - how to do a laying jump to standing

I can not tell people the animal until it, we're in a hotel, and nobody hears it and walk your pet get anyway, and left him where when I say that I do not want people to train and they only walk with me anyway. So I was in the backyard instead, but two people here who listen not easy. How can I go sopmetimes jumping and belt wherever he wants, and if I stay there and wait until he has calmed down, sometimes it works and works .... good, but sometimes you have what we call a tantrum and starts bitiing grass or anywhere near it, and goes a little bolistic ... we assume that to dominate is a challenge that I tantrums and jumps to heal, it is rewarded with treats and hugs, if your work well and have a good start, but it is sometimes out of control, which is 10 weeks, sit you, set, retrieves and brings toys, our baby. :)


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