Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Do Mma Fighters Get Tested For Blood Screening For MMA Fighters?

Blood Screening for MMA Fighters? - what do mma fighters get tested for

I am pleased to be curious about the process of testing blood for infectious diseases. Hepatitis B, C, HIV, I know that many of them may not appear immediately in the blood test. So I wonder if it imperative that you and check if the waiting time before every fight and every test? If not, it will do you fear that someone is struggling, or you can distribute these things should be bloodshed?


Jordan said...

If you take an organization that provides a blood sample. I am thinking of a gap of 30 days or less.

Brian F said...

Fighters undergo a complete physical examination before each scheduled fight (usually 30 days before). These include the blood. Any promotional activity is not sanctioned Indian reservations does not always require medical examinations before fights though.

Brian F said...

Fighters undergo a complete physical examination before each scheduled fight (usually 30 days before). These include the blood. Any promotional activity is not sanctioned Indian reservations does not always require medical examinations before fights though.

Paul J said...

This is the most brutal blood sports, so I'm sure what they do.

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